Азбучник на авторите

[А] [Б] [В] [Г] [Д] [Е] [Ж] [З] [И] [Й] [К] [Л] [М] [Н] [О] [П] [Р] [С] [Т] [У] [Ф] [Х] [Ц] [Ч] [Ш] [Щ] [Ъ] [Ю] [Я]

Прот. Йоан Теофилович Майендорф

Написана от Борис Маринов

Fr John MeyendorffСвещеник на Православната църква в Америка, патролог и църковен историк


17 февруари 1926 г., Neuilly-sur-Seine, France


22 юли 1992 г., Montreal, Canada


Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris, France (1944-1948)

Université de Paris, Diplôme d'études supérieures (1949)

Diplôme de l'école pratique des Hautes Etudes (1954)

Doctorate in literature (1958)


1959 г., Втора неделя на Великия пост – на св. Григорий Паламà от митрополит Владимир (Тихоницки), Западноевропейски екзархат на Константинополската патриаршия


Вселенска патриаршия (Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης Κωνσταντινουπόλεως)

Православна църква в Америка (Orthodox Church in America)

Преподавателско поприще:

Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris, France (1950-1959)

St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York (1959-1992)

Fordham University


История на Църквата


Гръцки език

Doctor honoris causa:

University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

General Theological Seminary

Ленинградская Духовная Академия


Orthodox Theological Society of America – Президент

American Patristic Association – Председател

U.S. Committee for Byzantine Studies – Член на Изпълнителния комитет

Британска академия на науките – Член-кореспондент

Византийски изследователски център „Dumbarton Oaks“, HarvardSenior Fellow

Световен съвет на църквите – Председател на комисията „Faith and Order“ (1967-1976) и член на Централния комитет

Syndesmos (World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth Organizations) – основател (1953), пръв генерален секретар, а по-късно и президент на организацията



1. Une controverse sur le rôle social de l’Eglise: La querelle des biens ecclésiastiques au XVIe siècle en Russie, Chevetogne 1956.

2. St. Grégoire Palamas et la mystique orthodoxe, Paris 1959.

3. Introduction à l’étude de Grégoire Palamas, Paris 1959.

4. Grégoire Palamas. Défense des saints hésychastes: Introduction, texte critique, traduction, et notes, Louvain 1959.

5. L’Eglise Orthodoxe hier et aujourd’hui, Paris 1960.

6. The Primacy of Peter, London 1963.

7. Orthodoxie et Catholicité, Paris 1965.

8. La Christologie Byzantine, Paris 1967.

9. Le Christ dans la Théologie Byzantine, Paris 1968.

10. Marriages: An Orthodox Perspective, Tukahoe (NY) 1970.

11. Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes, New York: Fordham University Press 1974.

12. Byzantine Hesychasm: Historical, Theological and Social Problems: Collected Studies, London: „Variorum Reprints“ 1974.

13. The Living Tradition, New York 1978.

14. Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, Cambridge 1981.

15. Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church, New York 1982.

16. Catholicity and the Church, New York 1983.

17. Введение в святоотеческое богословие, Нью-Йорк 1985.

18. Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century = World Spirituality, Vol. 16, New York: „Crossroad“ 1985.

19. Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation, ed. with J. Raitt, B. McGinn, New York 1987.

20. Christian Spirituality: Post-Reformation and Modern, ed. with L. Dupe, Don E. Saliers, New York 1989.

21. A Legacy of Excellence, ed. with Vladimir Borichevsky and William Schneirla, New York 1988.

22. Witness to the World, New York 1987.

23. Vision of Unity, New York 1987.

24. Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions. The Church 450-680 AD, New York 1989.

25. The Legacy of St. Vladimir, ed. with Fr John Breck and Eleana Silk, New York 1990.

26. The Primacy of Peter: Essays in Ecclesiology and the Early Church, New York 1992.

27. Православие и современный мир (Лекции и статьи), Минск: „Лучи Софии“ 1995.

28. Rome, Constantinople, Moscow, New York 1996.

29. История Церкви и восточно-христианская мистика: Единство Империи и разделение христиан. Святой Григорий Палама и православная мистика. Византия и московская Русь, Православный Св.-Тихоновский Богословский институт 2000.

30. Благословенная суббота – Прот. Александр Шмеман, прот. Иоанн Мейендорф, игум. Иларион (Алфеев), Москва: „Крутицкое подворье“; „Общество любителей церковной истории“ 2001.

Статии и студии:

1. Une lettre inédite de Grégoire Palamas à Akindynos: texte et commentaire sur la troisième lettre de Palamas“ – In: Θεολογία, 24, 1954, σ. 3-28.

2. „L’origine de la controverse palamite: La première lettre de Palamas à Akindynos: Introduction et texte“ – In: Θεολογία, 25, 1954, σ. 602-613; 26, 1955, σ. 77-90.

3. „Письмо к Акиндину святого Григория Паламы“ – В: Православная Мысль, 10, 1955, с. 113-126.

4. „Homélie sur la Présentation de la Vierge: introduction et traduction“ – In: Contacts, 11, 1959, p. 22-31.

5. Γρηγορίου του Παλαμα Συγγράμματα, τ. 1: Λόγοι ῾Υποδεικτικοί, Ανεπίγραφα, ᾿Επιστολαί προς Βαρλααμ καὶ Ακίνδυνου, Υπέρ ησυξαζόντων, Θεσσαλονικι 1962.

6. „Le Tome synodal de 1347: Introduction et texte critique“ – В: Зборник Радова Византолошког Института, т. 8, 1963, с. 209-227.

7. „Новый догмат Католической Церкви“ – В: Церковный Вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 21, 1949.

8. „Константинополь и Москва“ – В: Церковный Вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 1950, с. 5-9.

9. „La procession du Saint-Esprit chez les pères orientaux“ – In: Russie et Chretiente, 3-4, 1950, p. 158-178.

10. „Церковь и истина“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 3, 1950, с. 11-16.

11. „О современном католичестве“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 6, 1950, с. 13-16.

12. „Новая Энциклика Пия ХІІ“ – В: Церковный Вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 27, 1950.

13. „Павловские торжества в Греции“ – В: Церковный Вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 5, 1951, с. 21-24.

14. „The Sacrament of the Word“ – In: Sobornost’, 3, 1951, p. 395-400.

15. „The Sacrament of the Word: II. The Bishop in His See“ – In: Sobornost’, 3, 1951, p. 432-436.

16. „Архиерейские титулы епископов нашего Экзархата“ – В: Церковный Вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 4 (37), 1952, с. 15-19.

17. Photios and the Roman Church, Beirut: „An-Nour“ 1952.

18. „Les débutes de la controverse hésychaste“ – In: Byzantion, 23, 1953, p. 87-120.

19. „Церковь и Царство Божие“ – В: Byzantion, 26, 1953, p. 16-20.

20. „Doctrine of Grace in St. Gregory Palamas“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 11, 1954, p. 17-26.

21. „Литургия и причащение“ – В: Церковный вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 2 (47), 1954.

22. „Печальное девятьсотлетие (1054-1954)“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 3 (33), 1954, с. 3-9.

23. „Прот. А. Шмеман. Исторический путь православия“ – Вестник РСХД, 2 (32), 1954, с. 27-38.

24. „Le thème du ‘retour en soi’ dans la doctrine palamite du 14e siècle“ – In: Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 145, 1954, p. 188-206.

25. „Catholicité de l’Eglise“ – In: Syndesmos, 8, 1954, p. 6.

26. Церковь и Царство Божие“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 1, 5; 1 (26), 1954, с. 114-137.

27. „Un mauvais théologien de l’unité au XIV-e s.: Barlaam le Calabrais“ – In: 1054-1954: L’Eglise et les Eglises, t. II, Chevetogne 1954, p. 47-64.

28. „Sacrements et Hiérarchie“ – In: Dieu Vivant, t. 26, 1954, p. 86-91.

29. „У истоков спора о Filioque“ – В: Православная мысль, 9, 1954, с. 114-137.

30. „Les Biens ecclésiastique en Russe, des origines au XVI siècle“ – In: Irenikon, 28, 1955, p. 396-405.

31. „Doctrine of Grace in St. Gregory Palamas“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 37, 1955, p. 19-31.

32. „L’origine de la controverse palamite: la première lettre de Palamas à Akindynos (Introduction et texte)“ – In: Theologia, 25, 1954, p. 602-613; 26, 1955, p. 77-90.

33. Православие в Сирии и Ливане“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 2 (37), 1955, с. 35-47.

34. „L’évêque et la communauté des fidèles dans l’Eglise Orthodoxe“ – In: L’évêque et son Eglise, Paris 1955, p. 94-103.

35. Письмо св. Григория Паламы к Акиндину“ – В: Православная мысль, 10, 1955, с. 113-126.

36. „Une controverse sur le rôle social de l’église: la querelle des biens ecclésiastiques au XVI siècle en Russe“ – In: Collection Irenikon, Gembloux: Editions de Chevetogne, 28, 1956, p. 396- 405.

37. „Partisans et ennemis des biens ecclésiastiques au sein du monachisme russe aux XIVe et XVe siècles“ – In: Irenikon, 29, 1956, p. 28-46, 151-164.

38. „Учение от Христе и Церкви у св. Игнатия Антиохийского“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 4 (43), 1956, с. 17-23.

39. „Humanisme nominaliste et mystique chrétienne a Byzance au XIVe siècle“ – In: Nouvelle Revue Théologique, 79, 1957, p. 905-914.

40. Историческое значение учения св. Григория Паламы“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 3 (46), 1957, с. 3-9.

41. „Notes sur l’influence dionysienne en Orient“ – In: Studia Patristica, 1957, p. 547-552.

42. „La primauté romaine dans la tradition canonique jusqu’au Concile de Chalcédoine“ – In: Istina, 4, 1957, p. 463-482.

43. Ап. Петр и его приемство в византийском богословии“ – В: Православная мысль, 11, 1957, с. 139-157.

44. „Что такое Вселенский Собор?“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 52, 1959, с. 10-15.

45. „Homélie sur la Présentation de la Vierge. (S. Grégoire Palamas). Introduction et traduction“ – In: Contacts: Revue Française de l’Orthodoxie, 11, 1959, p. 22-31.

46. „L’iconographie de la Sagesse Divine dans la tradition Byzantine“ – In: Cahiers Archéologiques, 10, 1959, p. 259-277.

47. „Le dogme eucharistique dans les controverses théologiques du XIVe siècle“ – In: Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς, τ. 42, 1959, σ. 93-100.

48. „Perspectives ecclésiologiques“ – In: Contacts, 11, 1959, p. 89-98.

49. „Ecclesiastical Organization in the History of Orthodoxy“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 4, 1960, p. 2-22.

50. „Jean-Joasaph Cantacuzène et le projet de concile œcuménique en 1367“ – In: Sonderfuck aus des Akten des XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Konpuss, 1958, Munchen: „Verlag C. H. Beck“ 1960, S. 363-369.

51. „Orthodox Missions in the Middle Ages“ – In: History’s Lessons for Tomorrow’s Mission Milestones, Geneva: „World’s Student Christian Federation“ 1960, p. 99-104.

52. „Byzance et Rome, les tentatives d’union“ – In: Découverte de l’œcuménisme, Paris 1960, p. 324-334.

53. „La Primauté de Pierre dans l’Eglise Orthodoxe“ – In: Bibliothèque Orthodoxe, Neuchâtel: „Editions Delachaux & Niestlé“ 1960.

54. „Projets de concile œcuménique en 1367: un dialogue inédit entre Jean Cantacuzène et le légat Paul“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 14, 1960, p. 149-177.

55. „St. Peter in Byzantine Theology“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 4, 1960, p. 26-48.

56. „Connaissance et communion: la vision de Dieu en orient Orthodoxe. Quelques textes de Grégoire Palamas“ – In: Lumière et vie, t. 10, 1961, p. 115-122.

57. „Contemporary Orthodox Concept of the Church“ – In: Proceedings of the Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine. 7th Annual Convention, 1961, Brookline, MA: „Cardinal Gushing College“ 1961, p. 62-79.

58. „L’Eglise Orthodoxe en Amérique“ – In: Contacts: Revue Française de l’Orthodoxie, 13, 1961, p. 249-257.

59. „La vision de Dieu en Orient orthodoxe. Quelques textes de Grégoire Palamas (1296-1359)“ – In: Lumière et vie, t. 52, 1961, p. 115-122.

60. „Orthodoxes“ – In: Esprit, 12, 1961, p. 793-800.

61. „Ἐφ᾽ ᾧ (Rom. 5, 12) chez Cyrille d’Alexandrie et Theodoret“ – In: Studia Patristica, 4, 1961, p. 157-161.

62. „One Bishop in One City (Canon 8, First Ecumenical Council)“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 5, 1961, p. 54-62.

63. „Byzance et Rome, les tentatives d’union“ – In: L’Eglise en Plentitude, Paris: „Desclée de Brouwer“, 1962, p. 324-345.

64. „New Delhi, 1961“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 6, 1962, p. 43-45.

65. „The Orthodox Concept of the Church“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 6, 1962, p. 59-72.

66. „Orthodoxy and the Council“ – In: Looking toward the Council: An Inquiry Among Christians, ed. by Joseph E. Cunneen, Quaestiones disputatae, Vol. 5, New York: „Herder & Herder“ 1962, p. 90-96.

67. „Tradition and Traditions: Towards a Conciliar Agenda“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 6, 1962, p. 118-127.

68. „The Orthodox Church in America“ – In: Logos Ortodoksisen Ylioppilasliiton 15-vuotisjulajulkaisu, Helsinki, 1963, p. 31-39.

69. „Report of the Fourth World Conference on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. Montreal, Canada, July, 1963“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 7, 1963, p. 150-155.

70. „Vatican II: Definition of Search for Unity?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 6, 1962, p. 164-168.

71. „Papauté et collégialité“ – In: Messager orthodoxe, 24-25, 1963-1964, p. 3-7.

72. Значение реформации как события в истории христианства“ – В: Церковный вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 4243, 1963, с. 148-163.

73. „Byzantine Views of Islam“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 18, 1964, p. 115-132.

74. „Chalcedonians and Monophysites after Chalcedon“ – In: Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 10, 1964, p. 16-30.

75. „A Consultation between Chalcedonians and Non-Chalcedonians“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 8, 1964, p. 149-152.

76. „The Bishop in the Church“ – In: Ministers of Christ, New York 1964, p. 149-165.

77. „The Meaning of Tradition“ – In: Scripture and Ecumenism: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish, ed. by Leonard J. Swidler, Duquesne Studies, Theological Series, n. 3, Pittsburg, PA: „Duquesne University Press“ 1965, p. 43-58.

78. „Spirit, Order and Organization from an Orthodox Standpoint“ – In: Concept: Papers from the Department of Studies in Evangelism, Geneva: WCC 1965, p. 31-39.

79. „Vatican II. A Preliminary Reaction“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 9, 1965, p. 26-37.

80. „Anthropology and Original Sin“ – In: John XXIII Lectures, Vol. 1, 1966, p. 52-58.

81. „A Christian Theology of Creation“ – In: John XXIII Lectures, Vol. 1, 1966, p. 59-67.

82. „Debate on Palamism: II. Philosophy, Theology, Palamism and ‘Secular Christianity’“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 10, 1966, p. 203-208.

83. „The Holy Spirit in the Church“ – In: John XXIII Lectures, Vol. 1, 1966, p. 68-75.

84. „Vatican II and Orthodox Theology in America“ – In: Vatican II: An Interfaith Appraisal Dame Press 1966, University of Notre (Notre Dame), IN: 611-618.

85. „Alexis and Roman: A Study in Byzantine-Russian Relations (1352-1354)“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 11, 1967, p. 139-148.

86. „John Meyendorff“ – In: Theologians at Work, London: „Macmillan“ 1967, p. 125-140.

87. „Notes on the Orthodox Understanding of the Eucharist“ – In: The Sacraments: An Ecumenical Dillema, ed. by Hans Kung, Concilium, Vol. 24, New York: „Paulist Press“ 1967, p. 51-58.

88. „Pope and Patriarch“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 11, 1967, p. 73-85

89. „Emperor Justinian, the Empire and the Church“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 22, 1968, p. 45-60.

90. „Worship in a Secular World“ – In: Studia Liturgica, 6, 1969, p. 116-120.

91. „Historical Relativism and Authority in Christian Dogma“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 11, 2, 1967, p. 73-86.

92. „Orthodox Theology Today“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 13, 1969, p. 77-92.

93. „Брак и Евхаристия“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 91-92, 1969, с. 5-13; 93, 1970, с. 8-15; 95-96, 1970, с. 4-15.

94. „Православное богословие в современном мире“ – В: Церковный вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 67, 1969, с. 175-193.

95. „Messalianism or anti-Messalianism: A Fresh Look at the ‘Macarian Problem’“ – In: Kyriakon: Johannes Quasten, Vol. 2, еd. by P. Granfield, 1970, p. 585-590.

96. „Society and Culture in the Fourteenth Century: Religious Problems“ – In: XIV Congrès international des Études Byzantines: Bucarest, 6-12 septembre, 1971, t. 1: Société et vie intellectuelle au XIVe siècle, ed. I. Ševčenco, et al., Bucarest: „Éditions de l’Académie“ 1971, p. 51-65.

97. „Spiritual Trends in Byzantium in the Late Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries“ – In: Arte et société à Byzance sous les Paléologues: Actes du Colloque organisé par l’Association Internationale des Études Byzantines à Venise en septembre 196, Venise 1971, p. 55-71.

98. „Unité de l’Eglise – unité de l’humanité“ – In: Istina, 16, 1971, p. 297-311.

99. „Contemporary Problems of Orthodox Canon Law“ – In: Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 17, 1972, p. 41-50.

100. Кафоличность Церкви“ – В: Церковный вестник Западно-Европейской Епархии, 80, 1972, с. 231-247.

101. „Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective“ – In: Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 38, 1972, p. 482-484.

102. „The Orthodox Church and Mission: Past and Present Perspectives“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 16, 1972, p. 59-71.

103. О путях Русской Церкви“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 104-105, 1972, с. 127-141.

104. „Unity of the Church – Unity of Mankind“ – In: The Ecumenical Review, 24, 1, 1972, p. 30-46.

105. „The Catholicity of the Church: an Introduction“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 17, 1973, p. 77-92.

106. „What is an Ecumenical Council?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 17, 1973, p. 259-273.

107. „Confessing Christ Today and the Unity of the Church“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 18, 1974, p. 155-165, 193-212.

108. „History of Eastern Orthodoxy“ – In: Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed, 1974, p. 152-162.

109. „Free Will (γνώμη) in Saint Maximus the Confessor“ – In: Ecumenical World of Orthodox Civilization, The Hague – Paris: „Mouton“ 1974, p. 71-75.

110. „L’hésychasme: problèmes de sémantique“ – In: Mélanges d’Histoire des religions, 1974, p. 543-547.

111. „The Holy Spirit as God“ – In: The Holy Spirit, Nashville, TN: „The World Methodist Council“ 1974, p. 76-89.

112. О византийском исихазме и его роли в культурном и историческом развитии Восточной Европы в ХІV веке“ – В: Вопросы истории русской средневековой литературы, Ленинград: „Наука“ 1974, с. 291-305.

113. Eglises-soeurs: implications ecclésiologiques du Tomos Agapis“ – In: Koinonia: Première Colloque ecclésiologiques entre théologiens orthodoxes et catholiques. Vienna, 1-7 mai, Francis Dvornik; St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 19, 1975, p. 254-255.

114. „The Orthodox Churches“ – In: The Ordination of Women, New York: Morehouse-Barlow 1975, p. 128-134.

115. „The Russian Church after Patriarch Tikhon“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 19, 1975, p. 32-48.

116 „Unity and Mission“ – In: World Mission, 26, 3, 1975, p. 39-42.

117. „The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, commentary“ – In: The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, New York: „Orthodox Church in America: Department of Religious Education“ 1975, p. 29-39.

118. „The Church“ – In: An Introduction to Russian History, Cambridge: „Cambridge University Press“ 1976, p. 315-330.

119. „Evaluation of Nairobi by the Church of Russia“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 20, 1976, p. 42-45.

120. „Ideological Crises (1071 to 1261)“ [Paper at XV Congres International d’études byzantines], Athens 1976.

121. „Rome and Orthodoxy: Authority or Truth?“ – In: A Pope for All Christians, еd. by P. J. McCord, NY: „Paulist Press“ 1976, p. 129-147.

122. „The Byzantine Impact on Russian Civilization“ – In: Windows on the Russian Past: Essays on Soviet Historiography since Stalin, Columbus, OH: „American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies“ 1977, p. 45-56.

123. „The Holy Trinity in Palamite Theology“ – In: Trinitarian Theology East and West: St. Thomas Aquinas – St. Gregory Palamas, еd. by M. A. Fahey, J. Meyendorff, Brookline 1977, p. 25-43.

124. „Russian Bishops and Church Reform in 1905“ – In: Russian Orthodoxy under the Old Regime, еd. by R. L. Nichols, Minneapolis, MN: „University of Minnesota Press“ 1978, p. 170-182.

125. Св. Григорий Палама, его место в Предании Церкви и современном богословии“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 127, 1978, с. 42-66.

126. „Церковь, общество, культура в православном церковном Предании“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 124, 1978, с. 21-35.

127. „Archimandrite Justin Popovich“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 23, 1979, p. 118-119.

128. „The Christian Gospel and Social Responsibility: The Eastern Orthodox Tradition in History“ – In: Continuity and Discontinuity: Essays Presented to George Huntson Williams, еd. by F. Church et al., Leiden: „Brill“ 1979, p. 118-130.

129. Духовные течения в Росии и Православная Церковь“ – В: Посев, 10, 1979, с. 46-48.

130. „The Ecumenical Patriarch, Seen in the Light of Orthodox Ecclesiology and History“ – In: Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 24, 1979, p. 227-244.

131. „Lossky, le militant“ – In: Contacts: Revue Française de l’Orthodoxie, 31, 1979, p. 208-211.

132. „The World Council of Churches: A Christian UN?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 23, 1979, p. 45-50.

133. „Ecclesiastical Regionalism: Structures of Communion or Cover for Separatism: Issues of Dialogue with Roman Catholicism“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 24, 1980, p. 155-168.

134. „St. Basil, Messalianism and Byzantine Christianity“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 25, 1981, p. 9-21.

135. „Byzance“ – In: Theologische Realenzyklopädie [TRE], Bd. Vn, Liefering 4/5 1981, S. 500-531.

136. „Die Katholizität der Kirche“ – In: Orthodoxie Heute, 1981, S. 4-16.

137. „The Liturgy: A Clue to the Mind of Worldwide Orthodoxie“ – In: Orthodox Theology and Diakonia, еd. by D. Constantelos, Brookline, MA: „Hellenic College Press“ 1981, p. 81-90.

138. „The Three Lithuanian Martyrs: Byzantium and Lithuania in the Fourteenth Century“ – In: Eikon and Logos, еd. by H. Goltz, Halle: „Martin-Luther Universität“ 1981, S. 179-198.

139. „The Time of Holy Saturday“ – In: Orthodox Synthesis, еd. by J. Allen, Crestwood, NY: „SVS Press“ 1981, p. 51-63.

140. „Christian Tradition: An Orthodox Perspective“ – In: Festschrift für Fairy von Lilienfeld, Erlangen: „Institut für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft“ 1982, S. 1-25.

141. „Does Christian Tradition have a Future?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 26, 1982, p. 139-154.

142. „The Council of 381 and the Primacy of Constantinople“ – In: Les Etudes Théologiques de Chambésy, 1982, p. 1-25.

143. „Church and Ministry: For an Orthodox-Lutheran Dialogue“ – In: Dialog, 22, 1983, p. 114-120.

144. „Creation in the History of Orthodox Theology“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 27, 1983, p. 27-37.

145. „The Hope that is in US: A Comment on the Document ‘Mystery of Church and Eucharist’“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 27, 1983, p. 294-298.

146. „Is Hesychasm the Right Word?: Remarks on Religious Ideology in the Fourteenth Century“ – In: Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 7, 1983, 445-457.

147. „Orthodox Views of Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry papers“ – In: Orthodox Theological Society of America, Brookline: MA 1983; special issue; St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 27, 1983, p. 237-293.

148. „Palamas Grégoire, théologien Byzantine“ – In: Dictionnaire de Spiritualité, t. 12, p. 76-77.

149. „Byzantium as Center of Theological Thought in the Christian East“ – In: Schools of Thought in the Christian Tradition, еd. by P. Henry, Philadelphia: „Fortress Press“ 1984, p. 65-74.

150. „Father Alexander Schmemann, Dean, 1962-1983“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 28, 1984, p. 3-65.

151. “Father John Meyendorff: Orthodox Scholar“ – In: Between Peril and Promise, еd. by J. Newby and E. Newby, Nashville, TN: „Thomas Nelson“ 1984, p. 56-66.

152. „A Life Worth Living“ [Eulogy for Fr. Alexander Schmemann] – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 28, 1984, p. 3-10.

153. „Die Orthodoxe Theologie in der Welt von heute“ – In: Orthodoxe Rundschau, 16, 1984, S. 3-14.

154. „Reply to Jurgen Moltmann’s ‘The Unity of the Truine God’“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 28, 1984, p. 183-188.

155. „Thanksgiving“ [Funeral Sermon for Fr. Alexander Schmemann] – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 28, 1984, p. 43-44.

156. „Christ as Savior in the East“ – In: Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century, еd. by B. McGinn, NY: „Crossroad“ 1985, p. 231-251.

157. „Christ as Word: Gospel and Culture“ – In: International Review of Mission, 74, 1985, p. 246-257.

158. „The Mediterranean World in the Thirteenth Century Theology: East and West“ – In: The 17th International Byzantine Congress: Major Papers, New Rochelle, NY: „Aristide D. Caratzas“ 1986, p. 669-682.

159. „The Melkite Patriarch: Paradoxes of a Vocation – an Initial Response to Father Khairallah“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 30, 1986, p. 217-230.

160. „Metropolitan Theodosius, 25 Years of Pastoral Service“ – In: Evangelization – The 8th All-American Council, Orthodox Church in America 1986.

161. „Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue Faces Snags“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 30, 1986, p. 351-356.

162. „Orthodoxie“ – In: Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon: Internationale Theologische Enziklopädie, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1986.

163. „St. Vladimir’s Seminary: Past, Present, Future…“ – In: The Russian Orthodox Journal, 58, 1986, p. 13-15.

164. „Theological Education in the Patristic Era and its Lessons for Today“ – In: The Star of the East, 8, 1986, p. 17-32.

165. „Verkhovskoy, Serge Sergeevich, 1907-1986, in memoriam“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 30, 1986, p. 283-287.

166. „Το Αγιο Πνευμα στη θεολογία του Αγ. Γρηγορίου του ΠαλαμάIn: Πρακτικά θεολογικου συνεδρίου εις τιμήν και μνήμην του εν αγίοις πατρός ημων Γρηγορίου αρχιεπισκόπου Θεσσαλωνίκης του Παλαμά, Θεσσαλωνίκη 1986, σ. 137-153.

167. „Barrois, Georges A., 1898-1987“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 31, 1987, p. 283-285.

168. „Christ’s Humanity: the Paschal Mystery“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 31, 1987, p. 5-40.

169. „Two Visions of the Church: East and West on the Eve of Modern Times“ – In: Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation, Ed. with J. Raitt, B McGinn, NY: „Crossroad“ 1987, p. 439-453.

170. „Wisdom – Sophia: Contrasting Approaches to a Complex Theme“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 41, 1987, p. 391-401.

171. Тема Премудрости в восточно-европейской средневековой культуре и ее наследие“ – Москва 1987.

172. Об изменяемости и неизменяемости православного богослужения“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 153, 1988, с. 21-29.

173. „Baptism of Russia“ – In: The Russian Orthodox Journal, 61, 1988, p. 16-20.

174. „Byzantium, the Orthodox Church and the Rise of Moscow“ – In: The Byzantine Legacy in Eastern Europe, Boulder, CO: „East European Monographs“ 1988, p. 3-18.

175. „A Final Word in Defense of Ecclesiology [Reply to J. Boojamra and P. Garrett]“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 32, 1988, p. 72-87.

176. „A Final Word in Defense of Ecclesiology [Reply to M. Butler]“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 32, 1988, p. 395-399.

177. „From Byzantium to Russia: Religious and Cultural Legacy“ – In: Transactions of the Association of Russian American Scholars (Zapiski) 1988, p. 3-18.

178. „The Last Steps to Unity“ – In: Orthodox Identity in India: Essays in Honor of V. C. Samuel, еd. by M. K. Kuriakose, Bangalore 1988, p. 105-117.

179. „Millennium Celebrations in Moscow“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 32, 1988, p. 384-390.

180. „Mount Athos in the Fourteenth Century: Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 42, 1988, p. 157-165.

181. „Regionalismus und Universalismus in der Geschichte des russichen Christentums“ – In: 1000 Jahre Christentum bei den Ostslaven. Internationales Symposion, 13-15 Mai. Die Slavischen Sprachen, Salzburg 1988, S. 117-127.

182. „St. Vladimir’s Faculty“ – In: A Legacy of Excellence, Crestwood, NY: „SVS Press“ 1988.

183. „Theology in the Thirteenth Century: Methodological Contrasts“ – In: Καθηγήτρια: Essays Presented to Joan Hussey for her 80th Birthday, Camberley, Surrey: „Porphyrogenitus Publishing“ 1988, p. 395-407.

184. Церковь и государство“ – В: Посев, 7, 1988, с. 8-13.

185. „Visionen von der Kirche: russisches theologisches Denken in der neueren Zeit“ – Oekumenische Rundschau, 37, 1988, S. 154-163.

186. „Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians: The Last Steps to Unity“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 33, 1989, p. 319-329.

187. „New Life in Christ: Salvation in Orthodox Theology“ – In: Theological Studies, 50, 1989, p. 481-499.

188. О всех и за вся, Za sve I radi svih“ – In: Sveti Knez Lazar: Spomenica o sestoj stogodisnijci kosovskog boja, 1389-1989, Beograd 1989.

189. „The Patriarch of Antioch and North America in 1904“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 33, 1989, p. 80-86.

190. „Shahovskoy, Dimitry (John) Archbishop, 1902-1989“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 33, 1989, p. 315-317.

191. „Theosis in the Eastern Christian Tradition“ – In: Christian Spirituality: Post-Reformation and Modern, еd. with L. Dupe and Don E. Saliers, NY: „Crossroad“ 1989, p. 470-476.

192. „Christian Marriage in Byzantium: The Canonical and Liturgical Tradition“ – In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 44, 1990, p. 99-107.

193. „Council of Russian Bishops Approves Social and Educational Plans: Fr. John of Kronstadt to be Canonized“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 34, 1990, p. 84-86.

194. „A Life Worth Living [Reflections on Alexander Schmemann]“ – In: Liturgy and Tradition, Crestwood, NY: „SVS Press“ 1990, p. 145-154.

195. „Introduction: From Byzantium to the New World“ – In: The Legacy of St. Vladimir, еd. with Fr. John Breck and Eleana Silk, Crestwood, NY: „SVS Press“ 1990, p. 1-20.

196. „Lutherans and Orthodox: Is Sacramental Unity in Sight?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 34, 1990, p. 101-103.

197. Об изменяемости и неизменяемости православного богослужения“ – В: Вестник Ленинградской Духовной Академии, 2, 1990, с. 105-111.

198. „L’Orthodoxie n’a de valeur que si elle se présente comme un témoin de la tradition apostolique“ – In: Mensuel SOP, 146, p. 19-28.

199. Святейший Патриарх Тихон: служитель единства Церкви“ – В: Вестник РХД, 158, 1990, с. 37-51.

200. „Light from the East? ‘Doing Theology’ in an Eastern Orthodox Perspective“ – In: Doing Theology in Today’s World, Grand Rapids, MI: „Zondervan“ 1991, p. 339-358.

201. „Miracles: Religious Reflections“ – In: Healing: Orthodox Christian Perspectives in Medicine, Psychology and Religion, еd. by J. Chirban, Brookline, MA: „Holy Cross“ 1991, p. 51-55.

202. „The Nicene Creed: Uniting or Dividing Confession“ – In: Faith to Creed: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Affirmation of the Apostolic Faith in the Fourth Century, еd. by S. Mark Heim, Grand Rapids, MI: „Eerdmans“ 1991, p. 1-19.

203. „Orthodox Unity in America: New Beginnings?“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 35, 1991, p. 5-19.

204. „St. Sava, Ohrid and the Serbian Church“ – In: St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 35, 1991, p. 209-221.

205. „Was there an Encounter between East and West at Florence?“ – In: Christian Unity: The Council of Florence 1438/9-1989, еd. by G. Allerigo, Leuven: „Leuven University Press“ 1991, p. 153-175.

206. „Was there ever a Third Rome? Remarks on the Byzantine Legacy in Russia“ – In: The Byzantine Tradition After the Fall of Constantinople, еd. by J. Yiannias, Charlottesville: „University Press of Virginia“ 1991, p. 59-66.

207. „Le sens de la Tradition“ – In: La Pensée Orthodoxe, 5 (17), 1992, p. 151-161.

208. „The Legacy of Beauty. Liturgy, Art and Spirituality in Russia“ – In: Gates of Mystery. The Art of Holy Russia 1993, p. 37-44.

209. Духовное и культурное возрождение ХІV века и судьбы Восточной Церкви“ – В: Синергия: Проблемы аскетики и мистики православия, Москва: „ДИ-ДИК“ 1995, с. 9-26.

210. „Литургия, или Введение в духовность Византии“ – В: Альфа и Омега, 1 (4), 1995, с. 95-108.

211. „Православная Церковь в современном мире“ – В: Ежегодная богословская конференция Православного Свято-Тихоновского богословского Института: Материалы 1992-1996, Москва 1996, с. 13-28.

212. „Сроители мостов в раннем средневековье. Заметки о значении восточной святоотеческой мысли для Иоанна Скота Эриугены“ – В: Богословский сборник ПСТБИ, 7, 2001, с. 5-26.

213. О литургическом восприятии пространства и времени“ – В: Свидетель истины, Москва 2003, с. 114-122.

За прот. Йоан Майендорф

1. „Protopresbyter John Meyendorff (1926-1992)“ – http://old.svots.edu/Faculty/John-Meyendorff/index.html

2. „V. Rev. John Meyendorff“ (by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann) – http://www.schmemann.org/byhim/meyendorff.html

3. Rodzianko, B. „In memoriam…“ – In: Messager ACER, 119-120, p. 1-3.

4. Иларион (Алфеев), иером. „Памяти…“ – В: Вестник РХД, 165, 1990, с. 284-295.

5. Иларион (Алфеев), иером. „Памяти протопресвитера Иоанна Мейендорфа“ – В: Журнал Московской Патриархии, 2, 1993, с. 104-109.

6. Pelikan, J. „In Memory of John Meyendorff“ – In: New Perspectives on Historical Theology: Essays in Memory of John Meyendorff, Grand Rapids, MI – Cambridge, U.K.: „William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company“ 1996, p. 7-9.

7. Shaw, L. „John Meyendorff and the Heritage of the Russian Theological Tradition“ – In: New Perspectives on Historical Theology: Essays in Memory of John Meyendorff, Grand Rapids, MI – Cambridge, U.K.: „William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company“ 1996, p. 10-42.

8. Colosimo, J. „Jean Meyendorff, le confesseur“ – In: Le Pensée Orthodoxe, 18 (6), 1998, p. 71-75.

9. Свидетель истины – памяти протопресвитера Иоанна Мейендорфа, Екатеринбург 2003.

10. Нивьер, А. Православные священнослужители, богословы и церковные деятели русской емиграции в западной и центральной Европе. 1920-1995: Библиографический справочник, Москва – Париж: „Русский Путь“ – „YMKA-Press“ 2007, с. 316-318.

11. А. С. Т. Ш., прот. „Рецензии“ – В: Вестник РСХД, 58-59, с. 80-84.

12. Лосский, Н., прот., прот. Б. Бобринский „Протопресвитер Иоанн Мейендорф (1926-1992)“ – В: Преподобный Сергий в Париже. История Парижского Свято-Сергиевского Православного богословского Института, Санкт Петербург: „Росток“ 2010, с. 425-433; библиография – с. 433-448.

Краткък адрес на настоящата публикация: https://dveri.bg/cuw9 


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